Pollitt in L.A. Times: "Rick Warren Is an Insulting Choice"

Read Katha Pollitt's L.A. Times editorial—and the hundreds of commenters in agreement and disagreement— about Barack Obama's selection of Rick Warren to pray at his inauguration next month:

To understand how angry and disappointed many Democrats are that Barack Obama has invited evangelical preacher Rick Warren to give the invocation at his inaugural, imagine if a President-elect John McCain had offered this unique honor to the Rev. Al Sharpton -- or the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. I know, it's hard to picture: John McCain would never do that in a million years. Republicans respect their base even when, as in McCain's case, it doesn't really return the favor.

Only Democrats, it seems, reward their most loyal supporters -- feminists, gays, liberals, opponents of the war, members of the reality-based community -- by elbowing them aside to embrace their opponents instead. Read on.